There is a universal economic loss to bullshit. And there is a universal benefit to truth.
Anybody struggling to hire people knows the cost of bullshit: the time and money lost when the hiring funnel is filled with the wrong applicants, or when the new team member you thought was a great fit leaves after less than a year.
Candidates understand the expense of bullshit, too: they’re exhausted by the shiny, manufactured language so often used in job descriptions and on careers sites. And misleading language from employers solicits equally misleading responses from applicants, which just creates more bullshit for people who hire (or eventually fire).
At Job Portraits, we use the truth to help teams find their people—and to help people find their teams.
We don’t believe the truth is a precious hidden treasure that only we understand. The truth is available to anyone with the guts to open their eyes.
What we do is keep our eyes open. We observe, validate, and reflect what we see. It helps that many of us are trained journalists, skilled in the crafts of interviewing, writing, and editing with a commitment to accuracy and authenticity.
By surfacing real stories about what it’s like to work on a team or at a company, we help employers show who they truly are—and we help candidates decide where they want to contribute their talent.
Because while the truth can be subjective, it is always true to someone. And what employers and candidates have in common is a desire for alignment, a shared recognition of what’s true.
We can communicate that for you.